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Grants, Business Loans & Support
CFYE receives many requests regarding grant listings. Though our office doesn't offer grants, we help direct people to resources.
An understanding about grants, to start:
Grants are often awarded to existing market niches or to encourage and support new market space.
Grants are non-repayable and intended for long-term sustainability, specific projects, job creation, and are rarely for operating capital.
Your organization's business structure is an important element that determines eligibility.
Items listed below are grants and loans for non-profit and for-profit organizations, and are great starting points on your search for financial resources:
Canada Alberta Job Grant - Eligible employers can get government funding to help employees and unemployed Albertans access training opportunities
Alberta Immigrant Mentorship Innovation Grant - Funding for projects that support the development of career mentorship opportunities for immigrants.
Alberta Real Estate Foundation Development Grant - The Alberta Real Estate Foundation funds initiatives that support and advance education, research, law reform, and other activities related to real estate across our three focus areas of Real Estate Leadership, Built Environment, and Land.
Alberta Construction Association- Construction New Talent Grant Program Intake: Open Wage subsidies of 50% (maximum subsidy $5,000) are available to hire current post-secondary students and recent grads (up to 6 months) for temporary work experience placements at least 3 weeks in length which can take place at any time during the year.
Alberta's International Offices - Alberta's international offices promote the porvince's economic and policy interests worldwide. Staff are available in local markets to facilitate partnerships and help Albertans make the connections they need to expand their businesses.
Workforce Strategies Grant - Funding for projects that address labour and skills shortages and support Alberta’s economic recovery
Emissions Reduction Alberta - Technology Funding - ERA is investing in a diverse portfolio of transformative, sustainable technologies that reduce GHG emissions and position Alberta for success in a lower emissions economy.
Alberta Child Care Grant Funding Program - Apply for wage top-up, professional development and release time funding to support certified Early Childhood Educators
Child Care Space Creation Grant - Grant for non-profit groups interested in creating new child care spaces or starting new child care programs
Fortis Alberta- Community Grants - Funding is provided to enhance or create a green initiative in your community. Some examples of past projects include: planting trees and shrubs in park areas, community gardens, install recycle bins and downtown beautification projects.
Government of Alberta - Active Communities Initiative - The Active Communities Initiative is open to eligible community groups, non-profit organizations, and societies, and First Nations and Métis Settlements, that wish to build or enhance active spaces that support sport and recreation in their communities.
Government of Alberta - Alberta Export and Expansion Program - Funding to help export-ready companies and non-profit organizations enhance access to international markets and attract global buyers
Government of Alberta - Alberta Media Fund - The Alberta Media Fund (AMF) offers a variety of grants to help support the growth, sustainability, competitiveness and business attraction of our province’s cultural industries
Government of Alberta- Alberta Public Land Trails Grant - Alberta’s Public Land Trails Grant Program was established in 2022 to enhance recreation management on designated public land trails on provincial Crown land (with the exception of land within provincial parks, wildland provincial parks and ecological reserves) by providing funding opportunities for recreation partners.
Government of Alberta - Art, Culture, and Sports Grants - Funding opportunities for projects in the areas of arts, culture, community, heritage, recreation, sport, and diversity and inclusion.
Government of Alberta - Community Initiatives Program -This program provides funding to new community-based programs, initiatives, events and publications.
Government of Alberta - Community Revitalization Levy - Allows municipalities to borrow against future property tax revenues to help pay for infrastructure development required in a specific area. The levy is typically in place for 20 years, and no longer than 40 years
Government of Alberta - Driving Back to work Grant Program - Supports unemployed Albertans pursuing careers in the trucking industry.
Government of Alberta- Economic Development Funding and Grants - Tax credits, grants and other funding programs to stimulate regional economic development.
Government of Alberta- Innovation Employment Grant - Companies can receive a grant of up to 20% toward qualifying research and development expenditures
Government of Alberta - Media Fund - The Alberta Media Fund (AMF) offers a variety of grants to help support the growth, sustainability, competitiveness and business attraction of our province’s cultural industries.
Government of Alberta - Municipal Water/wastewater Partnership - The Alberta Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership (AMWWP), which launched in 1991, provides cost-shared funding to eligible municipalities to help build municipal facilities for water supply and treatment, and wastewater treatment and disposal.
Government of Alberta - Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Program - The Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Program (STIP) provides financial assistance to rural and smaller urban municipalities for developing and maintaining key transportation infrastructure.
Government of Alberta - Water for Life program - Municipalities can apply for funding for new regional water supply and treatment facilities, and wastewater treatment facilities.
Government of Alberta - Workforce Partnerships Grants - Eligible organizations with common labour market needs can get funding to support workforce initiatives.
Government of Canada - Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage - Provides funding to local groups for recurring festivals that present the work of local artists, artisans or heritage performers. This includes the celebration of LGBTQ2+ communities and Indigenous cultural celebrations.
Technology Alberta First Jobs - Technology Alberta's FIRST Jobs programs connect Alberta Tech Companies (SMEs - Small-to-Medium Enterprises) developing innovative technology with talent from post-secondary institutions across Alberta
Alberta Hospitality Association WIL Grant - AHA has been granted funds for an industry-specific campaign that will allow Alberta restauranteurs to receive $5,000 worth of government funding to help alleviate labour costs, in an effort to introduce passionate individuals to the hospitality sector.
MentorWorks Funding Guide to download the Canadian Business Funding Guide
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) - Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program - The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program uses tax incentives to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development (R&D) in Canada.
CanExport SMEs - Up to $50,000 to cover 50% of eligible costs to develop and expand your exporting activities
Grand Challenges Canada - Seeks bold ideas from the best and brightest innovators to save and improve lives in low- and middle-income countries and Canada
Business Scale-Up and Productivity - 1) Investing in projects that create a stronger, inclusive economy 2) Connecting you with other key players to create mutually beneficial business relationships, and 3) Help pathfind your project to other sources of funding and expertise to help grow your business and get your products or services to market
Eco Canada - Wage Funding Eco Employment Programs - Employment programs that stimulate environmental career pathways, skill development, career growth, workforce support, and workforce advancement through wage nd training funding.
Enbridge- Safe Community First Responder Program - The program awards grants for safety equipment, professional training, or safety education programs to emergency response organizations including fire departments, emergency medical and rescue services, emergency management organizations, 9-1-1 centers, ambulance services and law enforcement organizations
Government of Canada - Canada Cultural Spaces Fund - The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF) supports the improvement of physical conditions for arts, heritage culture and creative innovation. The Fund supports renovation and construction projects, the acquisition of specialized equipment and feasibility studies related to cultural spaces.
Government of Canada - CanExport Innovation - Innovators from Canadian organizations may access up to $75,000 in funding to assist with research and development (R&D) for a single technology. We cover up to 75% of costs to pursue and sign collaborative R&D agreements with international partners.
Government of Canada - Enabling Accessibility Fund - Small Projects Component - This funding opportunity aims to make communities and workplaces across Canada more accessible for persons with disabilities.
Government of Canada Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEas) - Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) is the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) access to innovation program.
Government of Canada - Rural Transit Solutions Fund - The Rural Transit Solutions Fund seeks to help Canadians living in rural and remote areas get around their communities more easily for their day-to-day activities, and connect with other communities nearby.
Government of Canada - Strategic Innovation Fund - Making sure that Canada is a top destination for businesses to invest, grow and create jobs and prosperity for Canadians is one of the Government's top priorities
Government of Canada- Zero Emission Transit Fund - Through the Zero Emission Transit Fund, the Government of Canada is investing $2.75 billion over five years, starting in 2021, to support public transit and school bus operators plan for electrification, support the purchase of 5,000 zero emission buses and build supporting infrastructure, including charging infrastructure and facility upgrades.
Government of Canada - Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program – Providing funding towards projects focusing on EV charger deployment in public places, on-street, in multiunit residential buildings, at workplaces, and for vehicle fleets.
Green Municipal Fund (FCM) - Test innovative, ambitious solutions that generate deep energy efficiency outcomes and GHG reductions for existing affordable housing retrofits and new builds. Implement your replicable project with a SAH pilot project grant.
To off-shoot from there, begin searches for a specific industry or pillar:
Apprenticeship Service Grants - The Apprenticeship Service supports employers to hire new first-year apprentices in 39 Red Seal trades and helps first-year apprentices get hands-on work experience.
Black Entrepreneur Loan Fund - (*loan) Access $25,000 - $250,000
Rise Helps - (*loan) Dedicated to empowering people with mental health and addiction challenges to achieve greater social and economic inclusion through entrepreneurship
Fast Track To Financing Program - (*loan) Supports projects that help to create strong business or commercialization plans to attract public financing or private investment to support the development, and eventual market entry, of natural product or technologies
Canada Digital Adoption Program - Help get your business online, give your e-commerce presence a boost or help digitalize your business's operations. CDAP provides funding and support to businesses, as well as training and work opportunities for young Canadians
Film and Television Tax Credit - Offers a refundable Alberta tax credit certificate on eligible Alberta production and labour costs to corporations that produce films, television series and other eligible screen-based productions
Sustainable Development Technology Fund - Non-repayable fund for your pre-commercial technology that helps fight climate change, or deals with clean air, water and soil
MEE Cluster Manufacturing Finance Program - The Manufacturing and Export Enhancement (MEE) Cluster has partnered with Servus Credit Union to explore opportunities to further our joint goals of helping businesses grow and increase productivity through process improvement and technology adoption.
Telus Pollinator Fund for Good - The TELUS Pollinator Fund, launched with an initial $100M, is one of the world’s largest corporate social impact funds.
Government of Alberta- Indigenous Employment Training Partnerships Program
Government of Alberta - Indigenous Reconciliation Initiative
Apeetpgpsan Metis Entrepreneurs’ Assistance (MEAP) Grant Program
Futurpreneur Canada Indigenous Program - (*loan)
Tourism Funding Sources Guide - Alberta funding and business advisory sources
Destination Canada - Tourism Corridor Strategy Program - This program will address the existing gap in cross-boundary, intentional, destination development and utilize a corridor approach to fund strategy work and ultimately build a more resilient tourism industry.
PrairiesCan - Support for western Canadian businesses
Product Development Fund - Three investment streams designed to assist Alberta businesses and municipalities with launching new tourism infrastructure initiatives, acquiring experience assets, and assisting with visitor program development
Tourism Relief Fund - Supports tourism businesses and organizations adapt their operations to meet public health requirements while investing in products and services to facilitate their future growth.
Canada 365: Welcoming The World. Every Day. -Federal Tourism Growth Strategy
Alberta Womens Entrepreneurship - (*loan)
Women Entrepreneur Program - (*loan) FCC is committed to empowering women in agriculture, agribusiness and food
Loan Program for Students - Business Development Bank of Canada's entrepreneurship opportunities.
Agriculture & Agri-Food
Poultry and Egg On-Farm Investment - Aims to help supply-managed poultry and egg producers adapt to market changes (age 35 and under)
Agriculture Trade Services - AGI delivers special services such as market research, assistance in navigatinve market entry, business-to-business introductions.
Alberta Food Processors Association- Food Futures - The Alberta Food Processors Association (AFPA) has received funding from the Alberta Government to support Work Integrated Learning placements in the food processing industry. This funding will support up to 90 student placements per year for the next 3 years.
AgriCommunication Program - Non-repayable contribution to projects supporting activities which increase appreciation and pride in the contributions of farmers and food industry, and enhance public trust.
Agri-processing Investment Tax Credit - The Agri-processing Investment Tax Credit program provides a 12 per cent non-refundable tax credit against eligible capital expenditures for corporations investing $10 million or more to build or expand agri-processing
Resiliency and Public Trust Program - The Resiliency and Public Trust Program enables stakeholders to gain resiliency and build public trust in Alberta’s agriculture and agri-food sectors.
Innovation Booster - Provides flexible and rapid support on a cost-shared basis to enable small- or medium-sized enterprises to advance their food innovation and research outcomes
Canada Pavilion Program - Aimed at making trade show participation easier at the world’s premier food and beverage events
Canada Food Innovation Network - CFIN is open to organizations across Canada’s food ecosystem. Join more than 1500 members, including manufacturers, processors, distributors, retailers, funders, and innovators.
AgriValue Processing Business Incubator - Supports new food businesses and established food manufacturers
Government of Alberta - Alberta Agri-processing Investment Tax Credit - The Agri-processing Investment Tax Credit (APITC) provides a 12% non-refundable tax credit against eligible capital expenditures for corporations investing $10 million or more to build or expand agri-processing facilities in Alberta.
Thrive Academy - Focused on supporting idea stage and pre-seed stage startups in the agri-food tech sector; 12 week program
Government of Canada - Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program - The Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program (CASPP) supports the Canadian agricultural sector’s participation in the Government of Canada’s growth and policy objectives, by investing in the sector’s design, development and implementation of tools and strategies to respond to and seize opportunities created by these objectives
Agri-Food Products & Services Export Catalogue - Connecting international buyers with Alberta product and service suppliers
Alberta Food Directories - Connecting Alberta-based food processors and producers with buyers to promote locally-produced food
Women Entrepreneur Program - (*loan) FCC is committed to empowering women in agriculture, agribusiness and food
FarmCash - (*loan) Cash advance program from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is a valuable financing tool that supports the working capital needs of your farm when you need it
Non-Profit: Community & Youth-Focused Grants
Additional Funding Options
CFYE Classic Loan (*loan)
CFYE Line of Credit (*loan)
CFYE Quick Cash Loan (*loan)
CFYE Youth Loan Program (*loan)
CFYE Business Improvement Loan (*loan)
General Planning
SME Direct - Link to gain access to a wealth of small business information available through Industry Canada. Small Business Planning Centre - In-depth site of how to start a business.
Statistics Canada - Find the market Information you need

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